Representation Model Tutorial

The representation model is one of the self-supervised models, mainly hoping to learn a general feature expression for downstream tasks. The current mainstream self-supervised learning mainly includes Generative-based and Contrastive-based methods, TS2Vec is a Self-Supervised Model Based on Contrastive Method

Currently Supported repr models:
The use of self-supervised models is divided into two phases:
  • Pre-training with unlabeled data, independent of downstream tasks

  • Fine-tune on downstream tasks using labeled data

representation model follows the usage paradigm of self-supervised models:
  • Representational model training

  • Use the output of the representation model for the downstream task (the downstream task of the current case is the prediction task)

For the sake of accommodating both beginners and experienced developers, there are two ways to use representation tasks:
  • A pipeline that combines the representation model and downstream tasks, which is very friendly to beginners

  • Decoupling the representational model and downstream tasks, showing in detail how the representational model and downstream tasks are used in combination

1. Method one

A pipeline that combines the representation model and downstream tasks

Currently Support:

1.1 Prepare the data

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import paddle
from paddlets.models.representation import TS2Vec
from paddlets.datasets.repository import get_dataset
from paddlets.models.representation import ReprForecasting

data = get_dataset('ETTh1')
data, _ = data.split('2016-09-22 06:00:00')
train_data, test_data = data.split('2016-09-21 05:00:00')

1.2 Training

More information about ReprForecasting please check ReprForecasting API doc

ts2vec_params = {"segment_size": 200,
                 "repr_dims": 320,
                 "batch_size": 32,
                 "sampling_stride": 200,
                 "max_epochs": 20}
model = ReprForecasting(in_chunk_len=200,

1.3 Prediction


1.4 Backtest

from paddlets.utils.backtest import backtest
score, predicts = backtest(
         start="2016-09-21 06:00:00",

1.5 Save and load

#save model"/tmp/rper_test/")

#load model
model = ReprForecasting.load(path="/tmp/rpr_test/")

1. Method two

Decoupling the representational model and downstream tasks. It’s divided into two stages, the first stage is representation model training and prediction, and the second stage is the training and prediction of downstream tasks

The first stage:

  • Training of the representation model

  • Output of training set and test set representation results

The second stage:

  • Build training and test samples for regression models

  • training and prediction

2.1 Prepare the data

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import paddle
from paddlets.models.representation.dl.ts2vec import TS2Vec
from paddlets.datasets.repository import get_dataset

data = get_dataset('ETTh1')
data, _ = data.split('2016-09-22 06:00:00')
train_data, test_data = data.split('2016-09-21 05:00:00')

2.2 Training of the representation model

# initialize the TS2Vect object
ts2vec = TS2Vec(

# training

2.3 Output of training set and test set representation results

sliding_len = 200 # Use past sliding_len length points to infer the representation of the current point in time
all_reprs = ts2vec.encode(data, sliding_len=sliding_len)
split_tag = len(train_data['OT'])
train_reprs = all_reprs[:, :split_tag]
test_reprs = all_reprs[:, split_tag:]

2.4 Build training and test samples for regression models

# generate samples
def generate_pred_samples(features, data, pred_len, drop=0):
    n = data.shape[1]
    features = features[:, :-pred_len]
    labels = np.stack([ data[:, i:1+n+i-pred_len] for i in range(pred_len)], axis=2)[:, 1:]
    features = features[:, drop:]
    labels = labels[:, drop:]
    return features.reshape(-1, features.shape[-1]), \
             labels.reshape(-1, labels.shape[2]*labels.shape[3])

pre_len = 24 # prediction lengths

# generate training samples
train_to_numpy = train_data.to_numpy()
train_to_numpy = np.expand_dims(train_to_numpy, 0) # keep the same dimensions as the encode output
train_features, train_labels = generate_pred_samples(train_reprs, train_to_numpy, pre_len, drop=sliding_len)

# generate test samples
test_to_numpy = test_data.to_numpy()
test_to_numpy = np.expand_dims(test_to_numpy, 0)
test_features, test_labels = generate_pred_samples(test_reprs, test_to_numpy, pre_len)

2.5 Training and prediction

# training
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
lr = Ridge(alpha=0.1), train_labels)

# predict
test_pred = lr.predict(test_features)