Joint Training of Multiple Time Series

When we need to train and predict multiple time series data, one of the methods is to create a model for each group of time series data for independent training and prediction; but in many practical case, we hope to create only one model with multiple time series data, which can better improve efficiency and obtain better model effects. For the needs of joint training of Multiple Time Series, PaddleTS provides full process support from data load, data transformation and model training.

1. Multiple Time Series Load

PaddleTS support automatically load data groups based on the group_id in the original data, such as device ID or other attributes, with the same group_id represents a group of time series. The time indexes of different groups of time series can be repeated.

#Build DataFrame with group_id

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
sample = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(200, 3), columns=['a', 'c', 'd'])
sample['id'] = pd.Series([0]*80 + [1]*120, name='id')

#Load TSDatasets by group_id
from paddlets import TSDataset
tsdatasets = TSDataset.load_from_dataframe(
    observed_cov_cols=['c', 'd'],

print(f" The type of tsdatasets is {type(tsdatasets)},\n \
and the length of tsdatasets is {len(tsdatasets)},\n \
the length of first tsdataset target is {len(tsdatasets[0].target)},\n \
the length of second tsdataset target is {len(tsdatasets[1].target)}")
# The type of tsdatasets is <class 'list'>,
# and the length of tsdatasets is 2,
# the length of first tsdataset target is 80,
# the length of second tsdataset target is 120

Whether to pass static_cov_cols and assign them as group_id is optional. If set, the group_id will be added to training model as a static covariate. Note that not all PaddleTS models currently support the input of static covariates. Please refer to the introduction of the model section for details.

One can also load time series data from different groups to build TSDatasets separately, and then form a List for subsequent joint training. It should be noted that all TSDatasets in joint training require data homogeneity, that is, the columns and dtypes attributes are the same.

ts1 = TSDataset.load_from_dataframe(...)
ts2 = TSDataset.load_from_dataframe(...)
#ts1.columns == ts2.columns and ts1.dtypes = ts2.dtypes
tsdatasets = [ts1, ts2]

2. Multiple Time Series Transformation

When data transformation is required before joint training of multiple time series data, such as normalization, feature generation and other operations, joint transformation of data is usually required to ensure the consistency of input data. The Transform module of PaddleTS supports the TSDataset arrays input and joint transformation of multiple time series data.

from paddlets.transform import MinMaxScaler
min_max_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
tsdatasets = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(tsdatasets)

3. Joint Training of Multiple Time Series

The models in PaddleTS forecasting supports the TSDataset arrays input and joint training of multiple time series data.

from paddlets.models.forecasting import MLPRegressor
mlp = MLPRegressor(in_chunk_len=10, out_chunk_len=2)

for tsdataset in tsdatasets:

#           a
#80  0.546383
#81  0.513985
#           a
#200  0.511116
#201  0.590263

4. Pipeline for Multiple Time Series

The Pipeline in PaddleTS also supports the TSDataset arrays input.

from paddlets import Pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline([
    (MinMaxScaler, {}),
    (MLPRegressor, {"in_chunk_len": 10, "out_chunk_len": 2})

for tsdataset in tsdatasets:

#           a
#80  0.344289
#81  0.255014
#           a
#200  0.272490
#201  0.842059