PaddleTS metrics user guide

Metric introduction

Metric is used for measuring the performance of a model, usually by calculating a certain distance between the the ground-truth data and the predicted results by a model.

Similar to the loss function, different metrics are used to evaluate the model performance for different tasks. For example, MAE(Mean Absolute Error) and MSE(Mean squared error) are usually used for regression tasks. This library has some built-in metrics which are widely used. It also supports customized metrics by allowing developers to implement new subclasses of base::Metric.

Code example

Take MSE as an example. Given a predicted TSDataset and a corresponding ground-truth TSDataset, it measures the MSE between these two TSDatasets as below.

from paddlets import TSDataset
from paddlets.metrics import MSE

"""Note: Both y_true and y_score are pd.DataFrame.
mse = MSE()
tsdataset_true = TSDataset.load_from_dataframe(y_true)
tsdataset_score = TSDataset.load_from_dataframe(y_score)
result = mse(tsdataset_true, tsdataset_score)

Customize Metric

To implement a customized metric, it simply takes the following steps:

  1. Create a class that inherits from paddlets.metric.base.Metric.

  2. Set two class members, _NAME(metric name) and _MAXIMIZE(optimization direction).

  3. Initialize the required parameter in __init__.

  4. Implement the metric_fn method according to computation logic.

Code example

Again, take MSE as an example. The details of implementation are shown by the following code snipper.

from paddlets.metrics.base import Metric
import sklearn.metrics as metrics

class MSE(Metric):
    1. Inherited from paddlets.metric.Metric.
    2. Set two class members, _NAME(metric name) and _MAXIMIZE(optimization direction).
    _NAME = "mse"
    _MAXIMIZE = False

    def __init__(
        mode: str = "normal"
    """3. Initialize the required parameter in __init__.
        super(MSE, self).__init__(mode)

    def metric_fn(
        y_true: np.ndarray,
        y_score: np.ndarray
    ) -> float:
        """4. Implement the metric_fn method according to computation logic.
        return metrics.mean_squared_error(y_true, y_score)