
AutoTS is an automated machine learning tool for PaddleTS.

It frees the user from selecting hyperparameters for PaddleTS models or PaddleTS pipelines.

1. Installation

pip install paddlets[autots]

2. Quickstart

2.1. Prepare Data

from paddlets.datasets.repository import get_dataset
tsdataset = get_dataset("UNI_WTH")
train_tsdataset, valid_tsdataset = tsdataset.split(0.3)

2.2. Construct and Fitting

With four lines of code, we initialize an AutoTS model with MLPRegressor and perform model fitting. Autots will automatically optimize hyperparameters during the fitting process.

from paddlets.models.forecasting import MLPRegressor
from paddlets.automl.autots import AutoTS
autots_model = AutoTS(MLPRegressor, 96, 24, sampling_stride=24), valid_tsdataset)

2.3. Persistence

Although AutoTS itself does not provide persistence support, we can save the best estimator it found after hyperparameter optimization

# Method 1
best_estimator =, valid_tsdataset)"./autots_best_estimator_m1")

# Method 2
best_estimator = autots_model.best_estimator()"./autots_best_estimator_m2")

3. Search Space

3.1. Run With Specified Search Space

For hyperparameter optimization, you can define a search space, or we also provide built-in recommended search space for the PaddleTS models if you do not define a search space.

You can specify how your hyperparameters are sampled and define valid ranges for hyperparameters.

The following is an example of a autots pipeline which specifying the search space:

from ray.tune import uniform, qrandint, choice
from paddlets.transform import Fill

sp = {
    "Fill": {
        "cols": ['WetBulbCelsius'],
        "method": choice(['max', 'min', 'mean', 'median', 'pre', 'next', 'zero']),
        "value": uniform(0.1, 0.9),
        "window_size": qrandint(20, 50, q=1)
    "MLPRegressor": {
        "batch_size": qrandint(16, 64, q=16),
        "use_bn": choice([True, False]),
        "max_epochs": qrandint(10, 50, q=10)
autots_model = AutoTS([Fill, MLPRegressor], 96, 24, search_space=sp, sampling_stride=24)
sp = autots_model.search_space()
predicted = autots_model.predict(tsdataset)

Search space API can refer to:

3.2. Get Default Search Space Using The Search Space Configer

In order to make it easier for users to use AutoTS, we provide the SearchSpaceConfiger, which has built-in recommended search space for the PaddleTS models.

Algorithms that have been adapted to SearchSpaceConfiger are

[“MLPRegressor”, “RNNBlockRegressor”, “NBEATSModel”, “NHiTSModel”, “LSTNetRegressor”, “TransformerModel”, “TCNRegressor”, “InformerModel”, “DeepARModel”]

  • Get the search space in the form of a string

>>> from paddlets.automl.autots import SearchSpaceConfiger
>>> from paddlets.models.forecasting import MLPRegressor
>>> configer = SearchSpaceConfiger()
>>> sp_str = configer.recommend(MLPRegressor)
>>> print(sp_str)
The recommended search space are as follows:
from ray.tune import uniform, quniform, loguniform, qloguniform, randn, qrandn, randint, qrandint, lograndint, qlograndint, choice
recommended_sp = {
        "hidden_config": choice([[64], [64, 64], [64, 64, 64], [128], [128, 128], [128, 128, 128]]),
        "use_bn": choice([True, False]),
        "batch_size": qrandint(8, 128, q=8),
        "max_epochs": qrandint(30, 600, q=30),
        "optimizer_params": {
                "learning_rate": uniform(0.0001, 0.01)
        "patience": qrandint(5, 50, q=5)
Please note that the **USER_DEFINED_SEARCH_SPACE** parameters need to be set by the user
  • Get the search space in the form of a dict

>>> sp_dict = configer.get_default_search_space(MLPRegressor)
>>> from pprint import pprint as print
>>> print(sp_dict)
{'batch_size': <ray.tune.sample.Integer object at 0x7f88bef520a0>,
 'hidden_config': <ray.tune.sample.Categorical object at 0x7f88bef45fd0>,
 'max_epochs': <ray.tune.sample.Integer object at 0x7f88bef52e80>,
 'optimizer_params': {'learning_rate': <ray.tune.sample.Float object at 0x7f88bef521c0>},
 'patience': <ray.tune.sample.Integer object at 0x7f88bef52070>,
 'use_bn': <ray.tune.sample.Categorical object at 0x7f88bef52250>}

4. Search Algorithms

Search Algorithms are wrappers around open-source optimization libraries.

We have built in the following algorithms:

[“Random”, “CMAES”, “TPE”, “CFO”, “BlendSearch”, “Bayes”]

For more details about those optimization libraries, please refer to their documentation.

You can specify different algorithms as follows:

autots_model = AutoTS(MLPRegressor, 96, 2, search_alg="CMAES")

If no search algorithm is specified, “TPE” will be used as default.

5. Parallelism and Resources

The function will run n_trials (defaulting to 20) times trials during hyperparameter optimization, which means to sample n_trials sets of hyperparameters from the hyperparameter space.

Parallelism is determined by cpu_resource, gpu_resource, and max_concurrent_trials.

The max_concurrent_trials (defaulting to 1) controls the maximum number of trials running concurrently.

# If you have 4 CPUs on your machine, this will run 2 concurrent trials at a time., valid_tsdataset, cpu_resource=2)

# If you have 4 CPUs on your machine, this will run 1 trial at a time., valid_tsdataset, cpu_resource=4)

# Fractional values are also supported, (i.e., cpu_resource=0.5, which means running 8 concurrent trials at a time)., valid_tsdataset, cpu_resource=0.5)

5.1. How To Leverage GPUs?

To leverage GPUs, you must set gpu_resource (defaulting to 0) in and set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.

Note that GPUs will not be assigned if you do not specify them (gpu_resource, defaulting to 0).

import os
# If you have 8 GPUs, this will run 8 trials at once.
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7", valid_tsdataset, cpu_resource=1, gpu_resource=1)

# If you have 4 CPUs on your machine and 1 GPU, this will run 1 trial at a time.
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0", valid_tsdataset, cpu_resource=2, gpu_resource=1)

More details refer to:

6. Log and Temporary Files

The parameter local_dir in AutoTS() can specify a dir to save training results to (Defaulting to ./, and the results directory is defaulting to ./ray_results).

6.1. Temporary Files

Ray is a dependencies of AutoTS, and the root temporary directory for the Ray process is an OS-specific conventional location, e.g., “/tmp/ray”. Due to a known issue with Ray, AutoTS did not specify the root temporary directory for Ray, while specifying it would cause a startup failure.

Please clean up the temporary directory by yourself.

Depending on the system, the temporary file may be stored in folders such as /tmp or /usr/tmp or tmp based on the system root directory. The temporary folder can be set by the environment variable RAY_TMPDIR/TMPDIR, or using tempfile.gettempdir().