
1. Prepare data

The built-in API: get_dataset is used to load nab_temp dataset: NAB_TEMP.

from paddlets.datasets.repository import get_dataset

ts_data = get_dataset('NAB_TEMP') # label_col: 'label', feature_cols: 'value'

2. Data processing

Set up training set (top 15%), and standardize the data.

import paddle
import numpy as np
from paddlets.transform import StandardScaler

#set seed
seed = 2022
train_tsdata, test_tsdata = ts_data.split(0.15)

scaler = StandardScaler('value')
train_tsdata_scaled = scaler.transform(train_tsdata)
test_tsdata_scaled = scaler.transform(test_tsdata)

3. Prepare Models

Prepare base models for ensemble model.

from paddlets.models.anomaly import AutoEncoder
from paddlets.models.anomaly import VAE
ae_params = {"max_epochs":100}
vae_params = {"max_epochs":100}

4. Construct and Fitting

EnsembleAnomaly use a aggragate function to aggragate base model predictions, use “mean” mode by default. More infomation about EnsembleAnomaly please read EnsembleAnomaly doc .


from paddlets.ensemble import WeightingEnsembleAnomaly

model = WeightingEnsembleAnomaly(
estimators=[(AutoEncoder, ae_params),(VAE, vae_params)],
mode = "voting")


5. Model prediction and evaluation

Use the trained model for prediction and evaluation.

from paddlets.metrics import F1,ACC,Precision,Recall

pred_label = model.predict(test_tsdata_scaled)
lable_name = pred_label.target.data.columns[0]
f1 = F1()(test_tsdata, pred_label)
precision = Precision()(test_tsdata, pred_label)
recall = Recall()(test_tsdata, pred_label)
print ('f1: ', f1[lable_name])
print ('precision: ', precision[lable_name])
print ('recall: ', recall[lable_name])