Probability Forecasting

PaddleTS provides professional probability forecasting modules:

  • High performance probability forecasting models.

  • Likelihood models.

  • Specific loss functions and metrics.

An example

We use a build-in DeepAR model to illustrate the base use of probability forecasting.

from paddlets.datasets.tsdataset import TSDataset
from paddlets.models.forecasting import DeepARModel
from paddlets.metrics import MAE
from paddlets.metrics import MSE
from paddlets.metrics import QuantileLoss

1. Data load and processing

The built-in API: get_dataset is used to load dataset whether dataset: WTH.

ts = get_dataset("WTH")

By feature engineering, time features are added to the dataset.

time_f = TimeFeatureGenerator(["month", "weekday", "hour", "dayofyear", "weekofyear"])
ts = time_f.fit_transform(ts)

At last, scaling is necessary to normalize all features to the same magnitude.

scaler = StandardScaler()
ts_train_scaled = scaler.transform(ts_train)
ts_val_scaled = scaler.transform(ts_val)
ts_test_scaled = scaler.transform(ts_test)

2. Training a model

Be different from other point forecasting models, the built-in DeepARModel has several specific parameters. For regression_mode, users may select sampling or mean to set the regression mode, for output_mode, quantiles and predictions are optional, quantiles will output the satandard quantiles result for probability while predictions only output single forecasting point, which degernerates the model to point forecasting.

deepar = DeepARModel(
     in_chunk_len = 7 * 24,
     out_chunk_len = 24,
     sampling_stride = 24,
     optimizer_params = dict(learning_rate=1e-3),
     batch_size = 32,
     num_samples = 101,
 ), ts_val_scaled)

3. Prediction and evaluate

The build-int API backtest is used for both prediction and evaluation, quantile loss and quantile result are returned.

from paddlets.utils import backtest
q_loss, quantiles = backtest(data=ts_test_scaled,
     start="2013-11-01 00:00:00",
     metric=QuantileLoss([0.1, 0.5, 0.9]),

4. Visualization

The new updated API plot fits probability forecasting well, by setting low_quantile and high_quantile, the predictions curve and confidence interval will show on the plot.

%matplotlib notebook
     add_data= ts_test_scaled,