
Environment Requirements

Python: 3.7/3.8/3.9

System: Windows/MacOS/Ubuntu/CentOS


1)Install PaddlePaddle

The PaddleTS is built upon the PaddlePaddle deep learning framework, thus it is recommended to install the PaddlePaddle first. To successfully run the PaddleTS, a PaddlePaddle version no earlier than v2.3 is required.

If you have PaddlePaddle installed already, please skip this step.

Run below command to install PaddlePaddle via pip:

python -m pip install paddlepaddle==2.3.0 -i

You may also refer to the PaddlePaddle website for a detailed installation guide:

2)Update protobuf (Only needed if paddle version < 2.3.1)

The version of protobuf required is 3.19.x - 3.20.x. If your protobuf version is earlier than v3.19 or later than v3.20, you need to upgrade or downgrade it.

Check protobuf version

pip list

Update protobuf

pip install protobuf == 3.19.0

Install PaddleTS

It is strongly recommended that Mac M1 users use the python environment in conda to install paddlets. The original python of M1 may encounter problems during the installation process.

Install PaddleTS with pip

python -m pip install paddlets

Install PaddleTS with docker

Docker needs to be installed locally.

1)Pull PaddleTS image

docker pull

2)Start container

docker run --name paddle_docker -it -v $PWD:/paddle  /bin/bash